HAqHpYYt (Ziyaretçi)
| | Hanna spammer swteiee, I've removed the link to the web site you're promoting.This is an intriguing bit of spam because you've used a well known spam comment technique which is to use words from the post and then add a standard non-commital sentence.Everybody reading this please note the lack of a space between my sentence and the standard sentence used to get the backlink. That's what intrigues me as I suspect you've used a tool such as Roboform to add the sentence, but not taken care to ensure there's at least one space between the end of my sentence and the start of your own!The ironic thing is, you actually used the words from the post which should have given you a clue as to what kind of comment is acceptable to post and what isn't.I don't know whether to laugh or swear. This time you've been lucky as I wanted to make an example of what you've done so that others can see exactly what they SHOULDN'T be doing when leaving a blog comment, and so I haven't marked your IP address as a spam source in the Akismet database. No doubt someone else will do so quite soon if you keep this practice up and you'll be looking for another job.Because of your (accidental?) choice of sentence (it couldn't be deliberate, could it?) it's made me think you don't speak English very well and that you've just taken a random sentence from the post.Look. If you're going to leave blog comments in order to get backlinks, then that's fine. You can do it here, I don't mind.But you MUST add something constructive and improve the post or engage yourself in some way in order for it not to be marked as spam. And I expect at least half a dozen sentences or a couple of paragraphs.This is true of all blog owners. Most people don't mind you getting a backlink (that's how communities work), but it's not all one-sided there's an acceptable trade that has to take place.Akismet works very well and suppresses a huge amount of spam automatically for me. Sometimes it gets it wrong and puts genuine comments in the spam filter, and I sometimes catch them and correct it. Even so, I still get three or four new pieces of spam comment that I have to mark as a spam source, and fortunately they're easy to spot as they're the typical me too comments you can see above from Hannah.Blog commenting is a GOOD way to get backlinks and traffic, but for goodness sake, be sensible about it.-Frank |